Datum: * Úterý, 16. duben 2002 @ 10:52:47 CEST *
Téma: Odblokování, opravy, flashování a další

Nedávno jsem se setkal s problémem jak nastavit délku funkce FLASH na starším FAXU Panasonic KX-F130 nebo KX-F2130. Po delší době se mi podařilo najít následující tabulku servisních funkcí. Jen pro upřesnění do servisního menu se dostanete stiskem tlačítka PROGRAM nasledovaný tlačítky #9000*. V menu můžete nastavovat od všech konstant přístroje (FLASH, DTMF ...) po otestování motorů faxu a podobných detailů. Pokud se s přístrojem setkáte v opravně určitě se bez menu neobejdete.

Panasonic KX-F130

                         SERVICE FUNCTION TABLE
|Code|        Function        |Set Value|Effective Range|Default| Remarks |
| 501| Pause time set         | x100 ms.|   000 - 600   |  050  |         |
| 502| Flash time set         | x10 ms. |    01 - 99    |   70  |         |
| 503| Dial speed select      | 1..10PPS|     1,2       |   1   |         |
|    |                        | 2..20PPS|               |       |         |
| 510| VOX time select        | 1..6 sec|     1,2       |   1   |         |
|    |                        | 2..4 sec|               |       |         |
| 520| CED frequency select   |1..2100Hz|     1,2       |   1   |         |
|    |                        |2..1100Hz|               |       |         |
| 521| International mode     | 1.. On  |     1,2       |   1   |         |
|    | select                 | 2.. Off |               |       |         |
| 522| Auto recovery select   | 1.. On  |     1,2       |   1   |         |
|    |                        | 2.. Off |               |       |         |
| 523| Receive equalizer      | 1..0,0Km|     1-4       |   2   |         |
|    | select                 | 2..1,8Km|               |       |         |
|    |                        | 3..3,6Km|               |       |         |
|    |                        | 4..7,2Km|               |       |         |
| 524| Transmit equalizer     | 1..0,0Km|     1-4       |   2   |         |
|    | select                 | 2..1,8Km|               |       |         |
|    |                        | 3..3,6Km|               |       |         |
|    |                        | 4..7,2Km|               |       |         |
| 550| Memory clear (Refer to page "Test functions")            |"START"  |
|    | Returns the set values of #04-#22 (user selectable) to   | input   |
|    | default.                                                 |         |
| 551| ROM check (Refer to page "Test functions")           |"START" input|
| 552| DTMF single tone trans-| 1.. On  |     1,2       |   2   |         |
|    | mit select             | 2.. Off |               |       |         |
| 553| Monitor on FAX         |1.. all  |     1-3       |   3   |         |
|    | communication select   |2.phase B|               |       |         |
|    |                        |3.. Off  |               |       |         |
| 554| Modem test (Refer to page "Test functions")          |"START" input|
| 555| Scanner test (Refer to page "Test functions")        |"START" input|
| 556| Motor test (Refer to page "Test functions")          |"START" input|
| 557| LED test (Refer to page "Test functions")            |"START" input|
| 558| LCD test (Refer to page "Test functions")            |"START" input|
| 559| Paper jam detection    | 1.. On  |      1,2      |   1   |         |
|    | select                 | 2.. Off |               |       |         |
| 561| KEY test (Refer to page "Test functions")            |"START" input|
| 563| CCD position adjustment| x1 mm   |   00 - 30     |  15   |         |
|    | value set              |         |               |       |         | 
| 570| BREAK % select         | 1.. 61% |      1,2      |   1   |         |
|    |                        | 2.. 67% |               |       |         |
| 571| ITS auto redial time   |x number |   00 - 99     |   14  |         |
|    | set                    |of times |               |       |         |
| 572| ITS auto redial line   |x second |   001 - 999   |  030  |         |
|    | disconnect time set    |         |               |       |         |
| 573| Remote turn-on ring    |x number |    01 - 99    |   15  |         |
|    | number set             | of rings|               |       |         |
| 574| Dial Tone Detection set| 1.. On  |      1,2      |   2   |         |
|    |                        | 2.. Off |               |       |         |
| 580| TAM sequential tone    | 1.. On  |      1,2      |   1   |         |
|    | detection select       | 2.. Off |               |       |         |
| 581| ICM Tape End Detection | 1.. On  |      1,2      |   2   |         |
|    | set                    | 2.. Off |               |       |         |
| 582| 2-way recording select |1..Enable|      1,2      |   1   |         |
|    | set                    |2.Disable|               |       |         |
| 583| 2-way beep time set    | x1 ms   |   000 - 999   |  000  |         |
| 586|White line skip 1 select|1.. On   |      1,2      |   1   |         |
|    |                        |2.. Off  |               |       |         |
| 587|White line skip 2 select|1.. On   |      1,2      |   1   |         |
|    |                        |2.. Off  |               |       |         |
| 590| FAX auto redial time   |x number |    00 - 99    |   05  |         |
|    | set                    |of times |               |       |         |
| 591| FAX auto redial line   | x second|   001 - 999   |  045  |         |
|    | disconnect time set    |         |               |       |         |
| 592| CNG transmit select    |1.. auto/|      1-3      |   1   |         |
|    |                        |   manual|               |       |         |
|    |                        |2.. auto |               |       |         |
|    |                        |3.. Off  |               |       |         |
| 593| Time between CED and   |1..75 ms |     1,2,3     |   1   |         |
|    | 300 bps                |2..500 ms|               |       |         |
|    |                        |3..1 sec |               |       |         |
| 594| Overseas DIS detection |1.detects|      1,2      |   1   |         |
|    | select                 |  at the |               |       |         |
|    |                        |  1st time               |       |         |
|    |                        |2.detects|               |       |         |
|    |                        |  at the |               |       |         |
|    |                        |  2st time               |       |         | 
| 595| Receive error limit    |x number |   000 - 999   |  100  |         |
|    | value set              | of times|               |       |         |
| 596| Transmit level set     | x dBm   |    -15 - 00   |  10   |The values
|    |                        |         |               |       |entered  |
|    |                        |         |               |       |without  |
|    |                        |         |               |       |"minus   |
|    |                        |         |               |       |sing" will
|    |                        |         |               |       |be regar-|
|    |                        |         |               |       |ded as   |
|    |                        |         |               |       |negative.|
| 597| Transmit speed 2400 BPS| 1.. On  |      1,2      |   2   |         |
|    | fixed mode select      | 2.. Off |               |       |         |
| 717| Transmit speed select  |1.9600BPS|      1-4      |   1   |The fall |
|    |                        |2.7200BPS|               |       |back     |
|    |                        |3.4800BPS|               |       |starts   |
|    |                        |4.2400BPS|               |       |from each|
|    |                        |         |               |       |speed.   |
| 718| Receive speed select   |1.9600BPS|      1-4      |   1   |The fall |
|    |                        |2.7200BPS|               |       |back     |
|    |                        |3.4800BPS|               |       |starts   |
|    |                        |4.2400BPS|               |       |from each|
|    |                        |         |               |       |speed.   |
| 719| Ringer Off in TEL/FAX  | 1.. On  |      1,2      |   1   |Select   |
|    | mode                   | 2.. Off |               |       |whether  |
|    |                        |         |               |       |the rings|
|    |                        |         |               |       |is on or |
|    |                        |         |               |       |off when |
|    |                        |         |               |       |the unit |
|    |                        |         |               |       |receives |
|    |                        |         |               |       |an inco- |
|    |                        |         |               |       |ming sig-|
|    |                        |         |               |       |nalin the|
|    |                        |         |               |       |TEL/FAX  |
|    |                        |         |               |       |mode when|
|    |                        |         |               |       |the ringer
| 720| Manual tone detect     | 1.. On  |      1,2      |   2   |Sets the |
|    |                        | 2.. Off |               |       |tone     |
|    |                        |         |               |       |detection|
|    |                        |         |               |       |mode after
|    |                        |         |               |       |dialling |
|    |                        |         |               |       |manually.|
| 731| CPC mode select        | 1.. A   |      1,2      |   1   |         |
|    |                        | 2.. B   |               |       |         |
| -- | User setting list output                             |"START" input|

                   DTMF signale tone transmit select.  

                    When set ON (=1), the 12 keys and
                 transmission frequencies are as shown.
             | Key | Frequency (Hz) | Key | Frequency (Hz) |
             | "1" |     697        | "5" |     1209       |
             | "2" |     770        | "6" |     1366       |
             | "3" |     852        | "7" |     1477       |
             | "4" |     941        |     |                |

                    When set OFF (=1), the 12 keys and
                  transmission frequencies are as shown.
              | Low (Hz) | High (Hz) | 1209 | 1366 | 1477 |
              |   697    |           |  "1" |  "2" |  "3" |
              +----------+           +------+------+------+
              |   770    |           |  "4" |  "5" |  "6" |
              +----------+           +------+------+------+
              |   852    |           |  "7" |  "8" |  "9" |
              +----------+           +------+------+------+
              |   941    |           |  "*" |  "0" |  "#" |

                             TEST FUNCTIONS
|           |              | Code           |                            |
| Test mode | Type of Mode |----------------|           Function         | 
|           |              | Operation after|                            |
|           |              | code input     |                            |
| PRINT TEST| User mode    | 2 8            |Print a test pattern and    |
|           |              |----------------|check the termal head for   |
|           |              | START          |abnormalities (missing dots,|
|           |              |                |etc.), and also check the   |
|           |              |                |operation of the reception  |
|           |              |                |motor.                      |
| MOTOR TEST| Service Mode | 5 5 6          |Rotate the transmission and |
|           |              |----------------|reception motors to check   |
|           |              | START          |the operation of the motors.|
| MODEM TEST| Service Mode | 5 5 4          |Send four kinds of FAX sig -|
|           |              |----------------|nals to check the sending   |
|           |              | START          |function of the modem.      |
|           |              |                |1) 1100 Hz: Consecutive sig-|
|           |              |                |   nal of EOM for tonal.    |
|           |              |                |2) 2100 Hz: G2 carrier sig -|
|           |              |                |   nal. Consecutive of CED  |
|           |              |                |   signal.                  |
|           |              |                |3) G3, V29 training signal  |
|           |              |                |   [modulation wave of car- |
|           |              |                |   rier signal (1700 Hz)]   |
| ROM CHECK | Service Mode | 5 5 1          |Indicate the version and    |
|           |              |----------------|check sum of the ROM.       |
|           |              | START          |                            |
| SCAN CHECK| Service Mode | 5 5 5          |Turn on the LEDs of the image
|           |              |----------------|sensor and operate the read |
|           |              | START          |system.                     |
| LCD CHECK | Service Mode | 5 5 8          |Check the LCD indication.   |
|           |              |----------------|Illuminate all dots to check|
|           |              | START          |if they are normal.         |
| DTMF      | Service Mode | 5 5 2          |Output the DTMF by single   |
|SINGLE TEST|              |----------------|tone                        |
|           |              | 1.. On         |                            |
|           |              | 2.. Off        |                            |
| LED TEST  | Service Mode | 5 5 7          |All LEDs flashes on and off,|
|           |              |----------------|or is illuminated.          |
|           |              | START          |                            |
| KEY CHECK | Service Mode | 5 6 1          |Check the operation button. |
|           |              |----------------|Indicate the button code at |
|           |              |        { any } |LCD after the button is     |
|           |              | START {       }|pressed.                    |
|           |              |        { key } |                            |
| FACTORY   | Service Mode | 5 5 0          |Clear the memory in which   |
| SET       |              |----------------|the user can store data.    |
|           |              | START          |                            |

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